Carolyn Mary Kleefeld | Publications

Carolyn Mary Kleefeld | Author: Immortal Seeds

Immortal Seeds: Bearing Gold from the Abyss

Poems and Paintings

A courageous, reflective, and deeply personal journey through the cycles of love, loss, and timeless rebirth.

Immortal Seeds is a passionate weaving together of poems and paintings that in turn reveal the intimate union and spiritual path shared by two loving souls. When tragedy enters the path, the alchemy of love transports the lovers from rapture and bliss to sorrow and loss. We follow as the search for deeper dimensions of compassion and grace becomes the way forward.” Excerpted from Michael Meade.

  • Foreword by Peter Thabit Jones; Prologue 1 by Lawrence Levy; Prologue 2 by Valerie Leveroni Corral
  • Softbound, 7 x 10″, 180 pages, 27 full-color images, 3 Black pen-and-ink drawings; Kindle Edition
  • Cross-Cultural Communications, Merrick, New York and The Seventh Quarry Press, Swansea, Wales, 2022
  • Available as Kindle Editon or Paperback

ISBN: 978-0-89304-857-0

» Selected Reviews «

Carolyn Kleefeld’s Immortal Seeds shows her as inspired and creative as ever, perhaps even more so: her combined powers of painting and poetry not only transfigure the intimate symbiosis of two human beings in the best tradition of ut pictura poesis, but her artistic impulse also gives new form and substance to the timeless tale of “star-crossed lovers,” reaching a fascinating as well as touching intensity and directness of expression that clearly goes beyond what she achieved in her earlier work. Looking and reading through her iconographic book of love and compassion, one senses how she gradually comes to understand her personal love relationship as integral part of a universal spiritual phenomenon that survives death. In this respect Immortal Seeds can also be seen as a tribute to her close friends in spirit Aldous and Laura Huxley, who in a similar way endeavoured to reconcile 〝the art of dying” with their awareness of “the divine Ground.” And one may even feel induced to call in the third art that strives to express the inexpressible, viz. music, as Huxley for instance represents it in the ending of Island: “Disregarded in the darkness the fact of enlightenment remained. […] [A]nd as the intruding noises died away, out came the frogs again, out came the uninterruptable insects, out came the mynah birds. ‘Karuna. Karuna.’ And a semi-tone lower, ‘Attention.’”

Prof. Dr. Bernfried Nugel – Centre for Aldous Huxley Studies, University of Münster, Germany

A Powerful Healing Journey, Expressed Through Moving Poetry and Powerful Art — Through her profoundly meaningful poetry and exquisitely beautiful artwork, Carolyn Mary Kleefeld shares her powerful healing journey, the heart wrenchingly painful and radical transformative process that she underwent, as her late husband suffered through terminal illness and departed this world. The sadness and suffering, the grief and difficulty, the questioning, as well as the comfort, the miracles, the peace, the gratitude, the rebirth, and the immortality that she found, is expressed through a series of soul-stirring poems, prose writings, drawings, and paintings. These creative expressions are crafted with great love, courage, passion, spiritual insight, and heartfelt care in this remarkable volume— and the brave, heroic, and luminescent spirit of Carolyn’s beloved partner, David Campagna, shines through the pages of this glorious tribute. A moving, tearful and inspiring tale of everlasting love, a rare and beautiful romance, a sacred union-merging that transcends physical bodies— and even life itself— as it lives forever in the heart of hearts in the divine. This book will be a godsend to anyone who has ever lost someone that they deeply love; truly a blessed gift from the heavens.

David J. Brown – Author

Like a lovely wreath on a Cenotaph, Immortal Seeds: Bearing Gold from the Abyss displays the elegance of heartfelt grief. The numinous imagery of Carolyn’s artwork provide us with glimpses of the infinite love and deep reverence that Carolyn held for David.

George DiCaprio – Environmentalist, Father of Leonardo DiCaprio

Carolyn takes us with her on a courageous, reflective, and deeply personal journey through the cycles of love, loss and timeless rebirth. Immortal Seeds is a collection of poetry in which every poem is a love song, a tribute to the Beloved and a spiritual journey through the landscapes of the heart… What an intimate invitation Carolyn extends to the reader: “To greet the angels that sustain us through grief in all its myriad forms and beyond the bounds of human existence.”

Carla Kleefeld Ph.D. – Clinical Depth Psychology

In Immortal Seeds, Carolyn affirms what sages of all religions have told us: the power of love transcends human suffering and loss.

Nikos Frangakis – Filmmaker

Carolyn Kleefeld, my beloved heroine, in Immortal Seeds, paints on the page opposite her words of love for David Campagna. These paint her world for me. This love pulses a rapture rare of design and rarer still of existing. Oh, how I long for this to play differently. Yet it is perfection in its telling.

Marcelene Dyer – Widow of Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, birth mother of their 7 children, abiding spiritual presence

Carolyn Mary Kleefeld | Book: The Divine Kiss

The Divine Kiss

Poems and Art

The Divine Kiss expresses in imagery and poetry the sacred merging of love into the realm of the Beloved, manifesting and celebrating the divine.

An exhibit catalog of Carolyn’s shows, inspired by David Campagna, at the Santa Barbara and the Shreveport Karpeles Manuscript Museum and Library, the book includes 15 full-color images and 15 poems, each of which resonates with the corresponding painting.

  • Foreword by Dr. David Deterra; Introduction by Jai Italiander
  • Softbound, 7 x 11″, 48 pages, 15 full-color images; Kindle Edition; Audible Audiobook
  • Cross-Cultural Communications, Merrick, New York and The Seventh Quarry Press, Swansea, Wales, 2014
  • Available in English/Persian, English/Greek, English/Japanese, and English/Romanian bilingual editions and in an English/Sicilian/Spanish trilingual edition. Please inquire as to foreign co-publishers.
  • Available as Kindle Editon, Audible Audiobook or Paperback

ISBN: 978-0-89304-970-6

» Selected Reviews «

The Divine Kiss is a loving, passionate, and highly original work that inspires and evokes the lover in all of us. Here, Rumi elopes with Chagall in a dance of color, compassion, and sensuality. Carolyn Kleefeld’s authentic, intelligent, and transcendent poetry takes us on a divine journey into the heart of love. Painting and poetry mirror one another, then merge. Each poem is a multi-layered metaphor, borne of Eros, matured through Agape. The paintings dazzle, warm, and invite, making love with the prose.

Wildly enchanting, deeply moving, vulnerable yet powerful, we are caressed and transformed by The Divine Kiss. It is indeed the “kiss of a lifetime,” “milk for the soul”—a “sheer magic” that “silently possesses” us. This is a stunning piece of work.

Dr. Darin Deterra – Therapist and Author

To enter Carolyn Kleefeld’s “aura artistica” is to recapture the rapture of creation. To see the world through her eyes, her art, and her poetry sanctifies the marriage of Life and Love. The moment explodes with kisses. Passionate kisses. Silent kisses. Gypsy kisses. Exotic kisses. I am spellbound by a tapestry of kisses.

Contemplating her longing for Unity, my dormant impulses are awakened. An intense desire for Beauty and the ecstatic joy of discovery reverberate with this woman and with her art. It is said that “she who longs the most, lives the longest”. Carolyn Kleefeld will live forever.

Norman Anu Cohan – Director, Karpeles Manuscript Museum and Library

Seeing Carolyn Kleefeld’s paintings and reading the accompanying poetry intrigues the imagination. Innovative use of color and form surprise the viewer. Lovers depicted, often in colors of Byzantine splendor, dazzle with eroticism. Beyond the erotic, however, an original kind of freedom of form and playful abandon bring the lovers to life. What Kleefeld accomplishes vibrantly on canvas is a real testament to her determination to engage intuition in order to come closer to her truth.

Nicholas Frangakis – Documentary Filmmaker

Carolyn Mary Kleefeld | Books: Psyche of Mirrors: A Promenade of Portraits

Psyche of Mirrors: A Promenade of Portraits

Prose, Poems, and Art

A medley of prose, poetry, fables, myths, and paintings created over a 25-year period, representing Carolyn in the most complete way. It reflects the many prisms of a kaleidoscopic way of perceiving life.

Psyche of Mirrors ranges from psychological and philosophical explorations of the shadow side of human nature and reflections on the polarities in life, to lyrical love poems and journeys of whimsical fancy. Full-color paintings enrich these themes. The late Laura Archera Huxley says, “In Psyche of Mirrors, we find ourselves traveling through portraits that open the gates to our experiential understanding and offer surprising paths to our complex and fantastic inner worlds.”

  • Preface by Peter Thabit Jones; Introduction by Vince Clemente; Foreword by Deanna McKinstry Edwards
  • Hardbound, 8 x 10½”, 8 chapters, 224 pages, 16 full-color images
  • Cross-Cultural Communications, Merrick, New York and The Seventh Quarry Press, Swansea, Wales, 2012

ISBN: 978-0-89304-361-2

» Selected Reviews «

Psyche of Mirrors is an amazing accomplishment and a fantastic body of art, poetry and literature. The words make the worlds of the cosmic, the mystical and the spiritual all visible. The emotions are palpable. The divine and the mundane are not at odds or opposites. And nature unfolds in an infinite array of colors echoed in the expressive and imaginative artwork. It is a glimpse into a world made possible by a traveler whose journey is personal, revealing and without pretense.

Dr. Adel Gorgy – Internationally-exhibited New York Artist

…Indeed, the bulk of Kleefeld’s work focuses not only on the beauty of art, music, words, and the creative process, but also on the transcendent qualities of each. The pairs of lovers in her short stories are almost always artists, musicians, or writers, and their art is regularly a point of connection for them (and sometimes a source of pain). And, indeed, Kleefeld’s work is further bolstered by her own colorful paintings of beast-women, mutants, landscapes, and even the departure of a beloved friend’s spirit to the stars. The bright colors celebrate life and draw the viewer into meditation, and the abstract figures are as friendly as they are haunting. I was reminded not only of the Primitive American style, Picasso’s earlier abstract art, and (once again!) Dr. Seuss, but also Sumerian idols with their large, lidless eyes, as well as Egyptian tomb paintings and murals, which featured many subjects in profile. Kleefeld’s skillful blend of several styles and colors endows her pictures both with a universal appeal and an appealing warmth.

Although Kleefeld’s subject matter can be heady, it will, I think, appeal to a wide swath of readers and art lovers beyond philosophy students and aficionados of abstract art. Those interested in Taosim and the writing of Lao Tzu (Kleefeld tells us she is a Taoist) should procure this title, as should anyone who wants to integrate a little meditative stillness into his or her life. Fans and collectors of Cross-Cultural Communications’ work should also avail themselves of this gorgeous publication, which might serve nicely as a coffee table book.

Joselle Vanderhooft – The Pedestal Magazine

Carolyn Mary Kleefeld | Books: Mavericks of the Mind

Mavericks of the Mind: Conversations for the New Millennium, Second Edition

Includes interviews with Allen Ginsberg, Dr. Timothy Leary, Laura Archera Huxley, Dr. John Lilly, Carolyn Mary Kleefled, among others.

Prose, Poems, and Art

David Jay Brown and Rebecca McClen Novick interview Carolyn Mary Kleefeld, along with other leading-edge thinkers such as Allen Ginsberg, Timothy Leary, Rupert Sheldrake, Terence McKenna, and John Lilly. This collection serves as a manual for expanding consciousness, dissolving archaic belief systems and preparing us for the challenges of the next millennium.

  • Edited by David Jay Brown and Rebecca McClen Novick
  • Softbound, 414 pages, 6 x 9″; Kindle Edition
  • Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS)
  • Santa Cruz, California, 2010
  • Available as Kindle Editon

ISBN: 978-0-9798622-5-0

» Selected Reviews «

When it was first published, Mavericks of the Mind was more than a breath of fresh air — it was a hurricane of ideas and visions perfectly tuned to the time. This 21st century expansion pack will ensure that these maverick spirits–many of whom have now passed on– will continue to channel the mindscape beyond the bend.

Erik Davis – MAPS Bulletin

This is a fine collection of original thinkers, an important national resource. Everyone who wants to stay current with information from the outer perimeters of consciousness exploration should read it.

Jerry Garcia, The Grateful Dead – Magical Blend Magazine

Carolyn Mary Kleefeld | Books: Vagabond Dawns

Vagabond Dawns


A lyrical celebration of love, nature and spiritual transformation. Includes a CD of Carolyn reciting her poetry, accompanied by musicians Barry and Shelley Phillips.

This collection contains one hundred poems, written over a period from 1989 to 2008. The poems address a broad range of universal themes, such as human nature, the cycles of life, love, and intimacy, spiritual transformation, and a pantheistic relationship to the natural world. Nominated for a Pushcart Prize in 2009.

  • Foreword by David Wayne Dunn
  • Softbound, 6 x 9″, 140 pages, 1 full-color image; Kindle Edition
  • Cross-Cultural Communications, Merrick, New York, 2009
  • Available in English/Romanian and English/Korean editions. Please inquire as to foreign co-publishers.
  • Available as a Paperback

ISBN: 978-0-89304-186-1

» Selected Reviews «

Carolyn Kleefeld’s poems remind us of our common humanity, with all of its triumphs, tragedies, passions, and paradoxes. These evocative verses that stimulate and warm your heart, will also nurture your soul.

Stanley Krippner, PhD – Co-author, Extraordinary Dream

Carolyn Kleefeld’s paintings often evoke in me the moods that poems usually elicit – an uncanny sense of mystery, a mysterious nostalgia, a surprising feeling of undiscovered beauty. But when I read Carolyn’s poems, so full of images and metaphors, it feels like I am visualizing visionary paintings: Black stars sprout, a withering cocoon is discarded, the present is ephemeral foam, and leopard polka dots dance across a marzipan moon! Thank you, Carolyn, for enriching our imagination.

Piero Ferrucci – Author, The Power of Kindness

Carolyn Mary Kleefeld | Books: Visions from Big Sur

Carolyn Mary Kleefeld: Visions from Big Sur

Art Catalogue

Exhibition catalogue with over 80 full-color images of the 25-year retrospective of Carolyn’s art at the Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art, with commentary by curator and director, Michael Zakian, PhD.

Visions from Big Sur, it is a full-scale overview of the visual art of Carolyn Mary Kleefeld. It covers twenty-five years, from 1983 to 2008, and includes drawings and paintings in all media, ranging from ink and watercolor to acrylic and oil. It includes biographical information in the context of the art and includes critical commentary of Carolyn’s many genres, ranging from cosmic abstractions to expressionism to figurative to linear fantasies.

  • Softbound, 118 pages, 8½ x 11″, 109 full-color images
  • Pepperdine University Press, Malibu, California, 2008
  • Available as a Paperback

ISBN: 1-882705-07-6

Carolyn Mary Kleefeld | Books: Soul Seeds

Soul Seeds: Revelations and Drawings

Philosophical Aphorisms and Art

An inspirational book of philosophical insights, accompanied by a series of intuitively imaginative illustrations.

These revelations, typically one to three sentences in length, are organized by psychological and spiritual themes, such as “The Eternal Moment” and “Surfing the Cycles of Change.” The power of these soul seeds is in their brevity and poetry, so readers can peruse the book as they wish, rather than necessarily reading it cover to cover. Fourteen pen and black ink drawings complement the revelations.

The intent of the book is to provide a shift in perspective that awakens and liberates the spirit on a deeper level than when the mind is trapped in the limits of the mundane. Laura Archera Huxley, the late wife of Aldous Huxley, wrote in her Foreword, “If you apply almost any one of these ‘soul seeds,’ you will have a deep awakening.… Soul Seeds offers psychological and emotional guidance…clothed in all kinds of magnificent color and worldly expression…. These psycho-spiritual meditations…may bring about a transformation greater than many hours of therapy.

  • Foreword by Laura Archera Huxley
  • Softbound, 6 x 9″, 24 chapters, 92 pages, 14 black pen-and-ink drawings; Kindle Edition
  • Cross-Cultural Communications, Merrick, New York, 2008
  • Soul Seeds is available in English/Catalan, English/Spanish, English/Japanese, and English/Korean bilingual editions, and in an English/Sicilian/Italian trilingual edition. Please inquire as to foreign co-publishers.
  • Available as Kindle Editon, Audible Audiobook or Paperback

ISBN: 978-0-89304-089-5

» Selected Reviews «

Reading the soul seeds from Carolyn Mary Kleefeld’s latest book gives me the joy of opening, portal after portal, to the deeply intuitive wisdom of the Tao Mystery described by Lao Tzu in the first verse of Tao Te Ching. These [are] simple yet profoundly beautiful vignettes of intuitive thought patterns.

Chungliang Al Huang – President, Living Tao Foundation; Author, Embrace Tiger, Return to Mountain

I totally loved this book! I enjoyed Soul Seeds immensely and refer to it regularly for spiritual guidance, insight, and inspiration. I’ve found this enchanted volume to be an absolute delight to simply open at random with a question in mind, and read wherever my eyes first land. In this sense, Soul Seeds works as an oracular or divinatory tool, like the Tarot or the I Ching, and will often synchronistically provide me with the exact nugget of deep truth or soul-reaching inspiration that I need to hear in the moment. It’s like magic. I discover new personal and universal insights every time I journey into this book, and I recently learned that a chapter from the book — Dimensional Perspectives — was nominated for the prestigious Pushcart Prize.

Soul Seeds is more than just a portal into the higher dimensions; it’s also a companion — a teacher, a friend, and a lover — who holds my hand, and helps me to cultivate a sense of inner peace, as I travel into the mysterious realms deep within. The illustrations in this collection are also wonderfully otherworldly, and sometimes when I open the book at random with a question, my eyes first land on one of these whimsical and enigmatic drawings, which carry as much potential for inspiration and insight as Ms. Kleefeld’s masterfully chosen words.

David Jay Brown – Author of Mavericks of the Mind, Women of Visionary Art

The underlying unity of our universe is portrayed by Carolyn so poetically. Her deep experiences and wisdom come alive in Soul Seeds. Our turbulent world needs her message of oneness more than ever.

Dr. Mani Bhaumik – Physicist, Author, Code Name God

Carolyn Mary Kleefeld | Books: Kissing Darkness

Kissing Darkness: Love Poems and Art

Poems and Art

A lover’s dialogue in poetry and art.

In the tradition of Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning, Kissing Darkness chronicles a dialogue of sensual, spiritual, and profound poetry between Carolyn Mary Kleefeld and David Wayne Dunn over five years. Their poems express a longing for ecstatic union, with each other, with nature, and with the divine. Their dialogue creates a dance, an interplay of personal experience, and a surrender to the greater mystery. With a reverence for the wilderness they inhabit, Carolyn and David both rejoice in the glory and yield to the death and re-birth cycles that inspire the evolution of souls.

  • Co-authored by Carolyn Mary Kleefeld and David Wayne Dunn
  • Foreword by Elliot Ruchowitz-Roberts
  • Hardbound Edition, 6 x 9″, 24 chapters, 94 pages, 8 full-color images
  • RiverWood Books, Ashland, Oregon, 2003
  • Available as Hardcover

ISBN-13: 978-1883991838

» Selected Reviews «

Revealing the divine Eros, the untamable power of love, Kissing Darkness is a perfect gift for all romantics… of all ages.

Laura Huxley – Founder, Children: Our Ultimate Investment; Author, You Are Not the Target and This Timeless Moment

The poems in Kissing Darkness lead us to the heart of love. Mysteries unfold and open us to unexplored territories beyond the narrow channels of daily life. Through the window of words, we glimpse all that love can be.

Evelyne Blau – Author, Krishnamurti 100 Years, Producer, The Challenge of Change With a Silent Mind

Carolyn Mary Kleefeld | Books: The Alchemy of Possibility: Reinventing Your Personal Mythology

The Alchemy of Possibility: Reinventing Your Personal Mythology

Prose, Poems and Art

A rich tapestry of philosophical prose, poetry, and visionary paintings, with quotes from the I Ching and the Tarot; can serve as an oracle.

Alchemy is at once a universal handbook for creative growth and an intimate record of one artist’s passionate journey to the edges of perception. It is possessed of a chant-like quality, and like a chant, its subtle powers gather by accretion to a final message that is both transcendent and ultimately useful. Each chapter is introduced with an original full-color painting paired with text and poetry; each group is further keyed into an I Ching hexagram or tarot card. These multiple forms provide the basis for an interactive reading, inviting you into a remapping of your own journey. The book moves through themes that are practical such as “Leadership,” to more inspirational matters such as “Fanning Our Unique Flame.” Not since Blake and Chagall has an individual successfully combined multi-media forms into an evocative integrated whole. What Natalie Goldberg’s Writing Down the Bones did for the craft of creative writing, The Alchemy of Possibility does for the process of creative work in general. For every working artist, and for every person who wants to live artfully, Alchemy is a work of living inspiration. It promises to take a unique place in the spiritual libraries of seekers everywhere.

  • Foreword by Laura Archera Huxley, Introduction by David jay Brown
  • Tarot and/or I Ching head each of the 56 chapters
  • 258 pages, 8 x 10″, 58 full-color images
  • Merrill-West Publishing, Carmel, California, 1998, Second printing, 2013
  • Available as a Paperback

ISBN: 1-8867080-3-7

» Selected Reviews «

A personal, oracular voice singing the rich harmony of dancing neurons, re-animating lost horizons of mythic identity and the complex world of inner/outer connectivity. In words of delightful chaos — Viva Carolyn!

Dr. Timothy Leary – Author of numerous books, including Chaos and Cyberculture and The Game of Life

By assuming the posture of a storyteller and philosopher, [Kleefeld] serenades the anima, following its traverse through life’s more esoteric passages. In the book, the complete Kleefeld is let loose, revealing a psychic umbilical chord that runs through primal waters, ultimately connecting all aspects of her work to the epic records of human yearning.

Marina Walker – Santa Barbara News Press

A most inspiring book that allows the reader to fly with unlimited wings.

Gerald G. Jampolsky, MD – Author, Love Is Letting Go of Fear

Skillfully weaving a rich tapestry of visionary paintings, poetry and philosophical reflections, Carolyn Kleefeld has been able to translate deep spiritual insights into wise guidelines for a rewarding strategy of existence and right livelihood.

Stanislav Grof, MD – Author, The Cosmic Game and The Holotropic Mind

Carolyn Mary Kleefeld | Books: Songs of Ecstasy

Songs of Ecstasy, Limited Edition

Art Booklet with Poems

Commemorating Carolyn’s solo exhibition and poetry reading at Gallerie Illuminati in Santa Monica, California.

This art booklet combines paintings and poetry to create “a visual chartology of the evolutionary path.” It includes ten full-color reproductions of Carolyn’s art and nine poems.

  • Softbound, 20 pages, 8½ x 9½”
  • Atoms Mirror Atoms, Inc., Carmel, California, 1990
  • Also available in a limited edition
  • Available as a Paperback

ISBN: 0-9629133-0-8

Carolyn Mary Kleefeld | Books: Lovers in Evolution

Lovers in Evolution

Poems and Photographs from Mt. Palomar Observatory

Where the spiritual and the sensual merge in poetic celebration.

Lovers in Evolution imparts the truth that all living is integrated relationship; nature, art, empiricism, the unknown, the spiritual in synthesis as a state of being; an evolving relationship to self, the beloved, nature, the universe.

  • Softbound, 81 pages, 6 x 9″, 4 Palomar Observatory photographs
  • The Horse and Bird Press, Los Angeles, California, 1983
  • Available as a Paperback

ISBN-13: 978-0960221400

» Selected Reviews «

Her work stands as a philosophical statement of the union of soul and cosmos. It is a joyful and orgasmic celebration of sexual self, an earthy universe.

Anita Decarlo – Monterey Peninsula Herald

Carolyn Mary Kleefeld | Books: Satan Sleeps with the Holy

Satan Sleeps with the Holy


A poetic vision from the deepest recesses of the psyche, proclaiming the power of the human soul.

Satan Sleeps with the Holy probes such universal concerns as the nature of truth, passivity, ignorance, tyranny, love, integrity, courage…. In so doing, this book symbolizes and communicates the eternal struggle of the living spirit against forces of death, and affirms the power and the resulting potential for spiritual triumph inherent in the individual.

  • Softbound, 110 pages, 7 x 10″, 110 pages
  • The Horse and Bird Press, Los Angeles, California, 1982
  • Available as a Paperback

ISBN-13: 978-0960221486

» Selected Reviews «

Ms. Kleefeld’s poetry churns up a dazzling array of tucked-away emotions. Individually, selectively, they each become orienting jewel-lights of perception. Some poems are as powerful as a crashing wave and as haunting as a sunless ocean floor; others are full of ripe, voluptuous, unabashed passion heat; others still are rich with righteous anger. Carolyn is a gifted poet who deserves wide recognition.

Michael Shachere – Psychologist, Consultant

Consistent in her brilliance and veracity, here is another gem from the fathomless mind of a precious soul, relentless in her probing into virtually every area of perennial human concern. Deep and meaningful.

Stuart B. Litvak, PhD. – Psychologist, Author

This verse, powerful and deeply moving, is reflective of a penetrating philosophical mind that sees things as they really are to the eye of the Spirit. The metaphorical imagery is astonishingly vivid, rising straight from a psychic depth as it does, making Truth visibly manifest.

John Weir Perry, MD – Jungian Psychiatrist, Author

Carolyn Mary Kleefeld | Books: Climates of the Mind

Climates of the Mind

Poems and Philosophical Aphorisms

A “tour de force” of the human spirit.

Climates of the Mind provokes the reader to explore in prose and free verse the primal journey into the mysteries and underlying dynamics of evolvement and transformation, the inherent truths in nature and alchemy, and the conflicts confronting the individual in his/her essential battles for a personal destiny versus the destiny of humankind. It is a most evocative collection of philosophical aphorisms, defenseless self-revelations and inspiring poetry.

  • Foreword by Carl A. Faber, PhD
  • Hardbound limited signed and numbered edition, printed by letterpress; Softbound edition, 240 pages, 8 x 10″
  • The Horse and Bird Press, Los Angeles, California, 1979, 1980, 1985, 1990 (4 printings), 2010 through iUniverse
  • Available as a Paperback

ISBN: 0-595-36564-7

» Selected Reviews «

…In a time of spiritual decadence, still another poet has injured us with the visions of possibility. Here is a rare wedding of poetic prose, philosophy, and psychological awareness without the wooden self-consciousness of most psychological writing…. A human document, it touches the deepest places… Informs and potentially heals its readers by communicating with love, a sense of what underlies the particulars of their lives… This book will live.

Carl a. Faber, PhD – Psychologist, Lecturer, Author

Ms. Kleefeld is a latter-day Spinoza born on the poetry scene, and in a time of spiritual decadence such as this one, she’s most welcome.

C. Claude Hamel – CSP World News, Canada

Climates of the Mind explores the problems of being in the world with a courage that is found only in the boldest writers. Kleefeld’s power lies in her ability to be totally involved with the mood of the moment, to be so completely focused on her subject so as to make it tangible, sensual. Her self-portraits are beguiling and treacherous. Hers is a siren’s song woven from all women’s deepest emotions, from all humanity’s terrible love of life with all its essential loneliness and creative madness.

Dave Dix – Llewellyn Publications

Carolyn Mary Kleefeld | Books: Fathomless Tides of the Heart

Fathomless Tides of the Heart

Carolyn Mary Kleefeld, American Poet and Artist

A biography of Big Sur’s preeminent Poet & Artist

The Fathomless Tides Of The Heart is a biography of Carolyn Mary Kleefeld, American poet and artist, written and edited by Peter Thabit Jones.

  • Front cover photo of Carolyn Mary Kleefeld by Dennis Wyszynski
  • Front cover photo of Big Sur Coast by Peter Thabit Jones
  • Co-edited by Stanley H. Barkan and Patricia Holt
  • Published by Cross-Cultural Communications and The Seventh Quarry Press, 2023
  • Available as a Paperback

ISBN: 978-0-89304-691-0

» Selected Reviews «

Peter Thabit Jones documents throughout his compelling biography this fascinating portrait of a woman who was born into privilege and shunned its trappings to seek a more difficult road of spiritual fulfillment. To the amazement of others, she rejected the overtures of Hollywood and turned to poetry, art, and personal growth. During her journey, she meets great thinkers and artists who prove to be influential and inspire her to keep searching. Now a very accomplished poet and artist, possibly even more important to her is the spiritual peace she has found. Peter has created an engrossing and delightful read!

Larry Levy – Author of The Mary Handley Mystery Series

Peter Thabit Jones has created a beautifully constructed biography of Carolyn, whose heart of love she shares through her gifts of poetry and art, nourishing our souls, and awakening them from sleep. Through Peter’s words and his inclusion of many journal entries by Carolyn throughout her life, we are able to glimpse the rarest of humans, a highly conscious being who embraces solitude, a nourishing break from the voices of pollution demanding to be heard, and a teacher of finding peace, letting go of what doesn’t harness our inner joy. Through her appreciation of Mother Earth and all living things, we are reminded to open our eyes and give thanks for all creation.

Marcelene Dyer – Widow of Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, birth mother of their seven children, and abiding
spiritual presence

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