Carl Jung Profile

Carl Jung Profile

I began reading Carl Jung’s writings when I was in high school, and when I first met Carolyn, Jung’s work came up in our discussions a lot. Carl Gustav Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, who helped to revolutionize the field of psychology. Born in 1875,...
Herman Hesse Profile

Herman Hesse Profile

I was systematically reading through Hermann Hesse’s novels when I first met Carolyn in 1983, and we have both really enjoyed his inspiring books and other creative output. Hesse was a brilliant German-Swiss novelist, poet, and painter who lived between 1877 and 1962....
John Lennon Profile

John Lennon Profile

Carolyn and I both really enjoy John Lennon’s powerful and magical songs and have been inspired by his life. Born in Liverpool, England in 1940, Lennon achieved international fame as a singer, songwriter, musician, visual artist, and peace activist. He is best known...
William Blake Profile

William Blake Profile

Carolyn and I both appreciate William Blake’s divinely inspired artwork and magnificent poetry. Born in London in 1757, Blake was an English poet, painter, prophet, and printmaker known for his extraordinary visionary paintings, lithographs, drawings, and numerous...
Marc Chagall Profile

Marc Chagall Profile

Carolyn and I both love Marc Chagall’s wonderful artwork. His uniquely joyful paintings have a delightfully dreamlike and profoundly playful quality that always lifts my spirits. Marc Chagall was born Moishe Shagal in 1887. He was born into a devoutly...